The Christmas Walk – 7th December 2019

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Us at the tree

The Christmas walk is a very special walk for us for a few reasons. The first and most important one for us is that it marks the anniversary of the first Strolls with Poles walk in 2017. If we look back at the photographs from the 3 walks we can see a lot of the same faces, most we see regularly during the year however there are a few we don’t see as often as well as those who are new to Strolls with Poles. Everyone regardless of the frequency of them joining us are always assured of a warm and friendly welcome.

The second reason is that it is “usually” our last walk of the year (this year we had an extra one in December). Regardless, this is a great time for us to thank everyone for their support throughout the year.

The third reason is that it is one of the few walks that is repeated every year. As such it is known as our Annual Christmas Walk. The walk always takes us up to the Christmas Tree on Simonside.

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Allen Banks and Staward Gorge – 13th October 2019

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Us in a little shelter high on the banks of the River Aln

Arriving early for the Allen Banks and Staward Gorge walk, we knew it was likely to be a wet day. However, for the moment, the rain was holding off.

We welcomed Jane for her first walk with Strolls with Poles and Julie gave her tuition on the technique before we took advantage of the weather and quickly did our warm up before setting off.

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