Blanchland Recce Number 2 – 26th August 2018

The last time that we checked out the route for the Newbiggin and the Carriers’ Way (Blanchland) walk was back in March of this year (First Blanchland recce).  We were planning on doing that walk the weekend after the Recce.  However, plans had to change when we found that the snow on the moor was over two feet deep in places, making it very hard going and extremely difficult to navigate.  It was too dangerous to take people out on.  So, we set the new date for this walk as the 1st September.

Confident that the snow had definitely gone, after a lovely hot summer, we decided that we should walk it again to make sure that everything would be OK. Continue reading “Blanchland Recce Number 2 – 26th August 2018”