Funding Grants

Barbour Foundation

Strolls with Poles Community Interest Company (CIC) have been successful in receiving our very first grant from the Barbour Foundation of £250. 

The funding was granted to help us to set up sessions to bring together people who are living with the same experiences, circumstances, and diagnosis. We hope to improve their fitness, mobility, mental health, sleep patterns and encourage them to socialise with each other, chat/make new friends, share information, and learn from each other. We have seen in our for profit company that this can lead to long term friendships which can continue outside of this activity.

Some of the funding is being used to offer two taster (trial) sessions to two groups living with Parkinson’s.  We are very excited by this and hope to continue these sessions after this trial.

We would like to thank the Barbour Foundation for their very kind grant.

Julie and Martin