The Bolam Lake and Shaftoe Crags walk is a favourite of Julie as it takes in so many different areas and views.

We started in Bolam Lake Country Park early, before the Park got busy. After a warm up Martin took the lead and followed the one-way social distance signage. We stopped beside the Lake for a few group photographs.

Around the Country Park there are lots of carved items and we stumbled across a chaisse longue and two armchairs. Straightaway Chris lay down and the group were called back for another photo opportunity.

After leaving the Country Park, we walked along the road until we reached the footpath to take us across some fields. Plenty of animals here, showing the farming in the area, horses, sheep, cows and bullocks. None of which took any notice of us.

We walked along the footpath, and through fields of corn and barley, to East Shaftoe Hall. Following the track up to the road, we passed their walled garden, before heading towards Shaftoe Crags and lunch.
Shaftoe Crags
Shaftoe Crags offers spectacular views of the Tyne valley and the surrounding countryside. The rocks at Shaftoe Crags show some interesting rock art, alongside more modern graffiti that has been carved in to the rock for decades. Rob and Martin climbed on top of the rocks and Chris took photos of them practicing their yoga.

This was our lunch stop. Plenty of rocks to sit on and great views.

We continued on past Salters Nick, where people like to climb and also parasail off.

The last part of our walk back to Bolam Lake Country Park took us along the road and back into the Country Park, which had gotten very busy since we had left this morning.
After our cool down we went to the Blacksmiths Coffee Shop in Belsay for tea and cake.
As you may know a few of us are interested in the various fungi which can be found in the areas we walk.
On this walk we saw Chicken of the Woods, bracket fungus, puffball and some little white ones we couldn’t identify.
We hope you enjoyed this walk and see you soon.
Julie and Martin x
Gallery – Bolam Lake and Shaftoe Crags

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Strolls with Poles – Nordic Walking for Fun and Fitness