Getting back to Nordic Walking Beach Walk – 27 June 2020

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The Getting Back to Nordic Walking Beach Walk was our first walk back together following the Covid-19 pandemic. When we asked everyone where they would like the first walk to be the answer was overwhelming. The beach at Cresswell.

The start

We started by parking in the car park opposite The Drift Cafe. We welcomed back our regular walkers (minus hugs), who we had missed. It was lovely to also welcome two new walkers, Heather and Rebecca.

We headed down to the beach front, where some took their shoes off to take the opportunity to walk barefoot.

Julie took a training session. This was for the new walkers and also a reminder for the regular walkers. It was great to see everyone getting back into it. There was a yoga session going on further along the beach and Chris asked when we got to lie down?

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On the beach – barefoot

Walking along the beach

After the training we started walking up the beach (towards Druridge Bay Country Park). As usual everyone walked at their own pace and there was lots of chatter as we were catching up with what had been going on.

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Walking on the beach

The group split as some only wanted to walk a short distance. Julie took this group back to Cresswell and the cars. Martin lead the other group further up the beach.

The weather had been kind to us until this point, but this was to change, with heavy showers arriving.

The end of the walk

When Julie and her group got back to the cars they did a stretch and the heavens opened so everyone went home.

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Julie waited for Martin and his group who arrived back looking remarkably like drowned rats. Still, stretches needed to be done before getting back into the cars.

A few of us popped over to The Drift Cafe for tea and food (takeaway at the moment) before we headed home.

Thank you

Thank you all for coming along. It was fantastic to see you all again and we look forward to the next time.

Julie and Martin x

If you enjoyed the Getting back to Nordic Walking beach walk, why not take a look at our other walks.

Gallery – Getting back to Nordic Walking

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