Hulne Park – 1st August 2020

HulnePark - HulnePark_01082020M-27 Hulne Park

Hulne Park was once the Percy family’s walled hunting ground and hunting still takes place today. 

We welcomed two new walkers, Claire and Brian and welcomed back Annabelle.

Hulne Park gate

Hulne Park doesn’t open until 11am and we were early. So, following a warm up at the entrance to Hulne Park, which has a gateway and lodge, we went through the gate.

Ruth is very familiar with Hulne Park and very kindly agreed to lead the walk for us. It isn’t often Martin hasn’t walked a route before but this was one of those rare occasions.

Brizlee Tower

We started along the main drive before starting uphill, a great way to really use those poles, towards Brizlee Tower. It was a warm day and it was here that the flies decided to descend especially around Julie, which caused great hilarity for the whole group.

HulnePark - HulnePark_01082020M-6  Hulne Park
Brizlee Tower

At Brizlee Tower, Annabelle was keen to run off finding Pokemon but unfortunately there was a sign telling us to keep off the grass, so was disappointed. A quick group photograph and we were off again.

Duchess’ Seat

After leaving Brizlee Tower we made our way to the Percy Family Cemetery and the Duchess’ Seat. The view from this seat is stunning. Everyone took time to take in this view. Julie was still being attacked by the flies.

HulnePark - HulnePark_01082020M-10 Hulne Park
View from the Duchess’ Seat


Leaving this area we made our way down to our lunch stop below Hulne Abbey. This was to be the one short shower of the day. Anne brought some courgette and lemon cake to share with everyone.

HulnePark - HulnePark_01082020R-4 Hulne Park

Hulne Abbey

From here we walked up the hill to Hulne Abbey, however we were disappointed to find the Abbey was locked. Luckily there was a gate where we could see over and into the Abbey grounds. Opposite the Abbey there were some buildings which we weren’t sure what they were. Rob and Annabelle went for a closer look and it became obvious they were kennels for hounds, probably the Percy hounds.

HulnePark - HulnePark_01082020M-19 Hulne Park
Up to Hulne Abbey

Along the river

There is a beautiful area just from the Abbey along the riverside . It was stunning and very different from the rest of the Park. Ruth ran ahead to take a photo of the group.

HulnePark - HulnePark_01082020R-3 Hulne Park
Along the River Aln

On our route back Ruth and Chris pointed out some field mushrooms to Anne who picked them and was going to enjoy them for tea.

Back to the start

The group here spread out and the group at the front were very lucky to spot a deer in the treeline. No photos though.

HulnePark - HulnePark_01082020M-27 Hulne Park

We hope you enjoyed the walk. Thank you to Ruth for leading and Chris and Ruth for their photographs.

See you soon.

Julie & Martin x

Gallery – Hulne Park

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