Blanchland – 1st September 2018

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Here we were at Blanchland for the third time this year and the second time in a week.  This time it was for the walk though and not a recce.

We welcomed a new walker to our group, Chris.  He is Sylvia’s husband.  Sylvia had come on her first walk with us earlier in the year and had enjoyed it so much that she recommended it to her husband, who decided to try it out.  Juno, the Border Terrier would also be with us again.

As The White Monk Tea Room didn’t open until 10:30, the time that we were scheduled to begin the walk, we had to use the facilities in the village and settle for a takeaway tea from the Post Office. Continue reading “Blanchland – 1st September 2018”

Thrunton Wood – 18th August 2018

We arrived at Thrunton Wood early and paid a visit to the Thrunton Long Crag Trout Fishery for breakfast sandwiches and tea.

This was the second Thrunton Wood walk of this week.  (See the previous post to this one for that.)  It was still a popular one though, with eleven people making the walk.  Many of them were regulars but it was Ally’s first walk with us.

Continue reading “Thrunton Wood – 18th August 2018”

Take your Nordic Walking to the next level – 14th July 2018

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This walk was a little different from our usual walks, in that it mainly focused on training.  It kicked off a weekend of Nordic Walking training, with a second session taking place on Sunday.

We welcomed two new walkers to our group Maggie who was on holiday in Northumberland and wanted to do some Nordic Walking and Sylvia, a friend of Sandra. Continue reading “Take your Nordic Walking to the next level – 14th July 2018”