Thrunton Wood Extra Walk – 15th August 2018

Thrunton Wood

Thrunton Wood was an extra walk added to the programme.  We had been contacted by Mauro, an Italian Nordic walker, who was on holiday in the area and was interested in a walk.  We added this walk mid week as this fit his timetable.  Four of our regular walkers joined us.

We met up in the car park at the opening to Thrunton Wood.  Mauro was introduced to everyone, we warmed up and set off.

We followed the red arrow route which started with a gradual hill.  Everyone soon got into their stride and lots of chatter, as always.

The wood is absolutely stunning with lots of bilberry bushes.   The paths are undulating until you come to an area which has quite a steep hill.  We took this opportunity to take a group shot, with a difference.  Everyone stood behind a tree and popped their head out.

Luckily once you reach the top of the hill there is a very handy chair to get your breath back and look at the amazing scenery.

Just along the path there is a beautiful new seat in memory of Wor Greg.  This was were we decided to have our lunch stop, mainly due to the fact there were less flies here.  Claire was not happy at the view of Cheviot (we climbed this last year).


Once we finished the walk, we did a cool down and went to the Thrunton Fishery.  We took our own cakes, Martin’s brownie and Chris’ orange cake.  We had checked beforehand that this was okay.

What a beautiful setting to end our amazing day.

I hope you all enjoyed this walk and thank you so much for joining me.


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