The March newsletter is ready and has been sent out.
I hope you enjoy reading it. If you would like it delivered direct to your inbox please sign up on the website.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
NORDIC WALKING – For fun AND fitness
Walk: Cresswell Beach
Guide: Julie
Helper/Volunteer: Anne
Weather: Sunny but cold
Distance of walk: 4 miles
I added a training session and short walk, at Cresswell Beach, onto the programme as there were a few people interested in trying Nordic walking. There were also some regulars who wanted a refresher of their technique. Continue reading “Cresswell Beach – 25th February 2018”
Walk: Ebchester and Milkwellburn Wood
Guide: Julie
Helper/Volunteer: Martin
Weather: Cloudy but mild for February
Distance of walk: 9 miles
We started in the traditional way, with a warm up and welcome to two new walkers, Sue and Bev, and then off we went. We followed the Derwent walk North and then took an old lane into Ebchester. This took us past the Church of St Ebba, who gave her name to Ebchester. A short walk through the village took us to the start of the walk proper, at the River Derwent. Continue reading “Ebchester and Milkwellburn Wood – 18th February 2018”
Have you wondered where the name Nordic Nuts came from?
Well …
When I first started leading Nordic walks (5 years ago) the group decided that we needed a nickname. A lot of thought was put into the name and we decided on Nordic Nuts. Following the inception of Strolls with Poles in December 2017 the name has followed us. Continue reading “Where did the name Nordic Nuts come from?”
Guide: Julie
Helper/Volunteer: Ruth
Weather: Light shower followed by sunshine
Distance of walk: 8 miles
This was a walk suggested by both Russell and Martyn. The walk started in the Tyne Riverside Country Park and went North to Wylam along the track bed of the old railway made a fantastic surface to walk along. Continue reading “Newburn to Wylam – 10th February 2018”
Guide: Julie
Helpers/Volunteers: Martin and Ruth
Weather: Sunny
Length of walk: 9 miles
The weather was amazing for late January and we had a beautiful 9 mile walk to look forward to.
The walk took us from Seaburn Park along the half mile Seaburn beach towards the Whitburn Coastal Path. Continue reading “Seaburn to Marsden Grotto – 27th January 2018”
INWA which is the International Nordic Walking Federation have a World Nordic Walking Day (which actually takes place over a weekend). This year the dates are 19th and 20th May.
On the 19th May we have a walk in Bellingham which will take in Hareshaw Linn.
I hope you can join us to celebrate World Nordic Walking Day.
This was the inaugural walk for Strolls With Poles.
Guide: Julie
Volunteers/helpers: Martin and Ruth
Weather: Windy, slight hail shower, sunshine
Distance: 10 miles
A beautiful walk taking us past Warkworth Castle, along the River Coquet,through Amble and along the sand dunes to the café in Hauxley Nature Reserve ( We had a short stop for tea, soup and scones before making our way back.
We took a slightly different route back dropping onto the sand where the benefits of Nordic walking really show as the sand is a great surface for getting the most out of your technique.
Once back in Warkworth some of the group headed to Bertram’s café ( to enjoy Cullen skink, mac and cheese and various cakes as well as lots of tea.
The next walk is along the Whitburn Coastal path from Seaburn to Marsden Grotto.
I look forward to seeing you then.
I am so grateful to my wonderful Nordic walkers. These are just a few of the good wishes I received following the start of Strolls with Poles
“Congratulations on your new venture”
“Hope the business goes really well.”
“Good to see you ‘stepping’ out on your own. I like the longer walks in your program for next year.
Good luck with Strolls with Poles and we hope to see you in the New Year.”
“I’m glad to hear that you will continue to lead the walks.”
“Good luck with the new venture, and see you in the New Year!”
“Thank you keeping me in the loop and I am delighted to hear of your new venture”
“Good luck with the new venture and hope to see you on 27th Jan God willing! Have a super Christmas and New Year and keeeep Strolling !!”
“Wishing you luck in your new adventure and all the best for 2018.”
“Fabulous news.
Yes keep me up to date with what’s going on please.”
“Programme looks good, I presume there would be scope to add in the odd walk if someone came up with a good idea.
Well done”
“The programme looks good, at least we are getting together at least twice a month which is better than the once a month.
I hope it really kicks off for you, I will be at as many as I can get to.”
“Have had a quick look at the programme for Jan-Aug 2018… like what you’ve got. Lots of variety & different distances to challenge those wanting longer walks. Looks good! Also like that you’ve got some “challenge walks in there too.”
“That’s fab. Good for you.”