As you will be aware as at 18th September 2020 the North East has come under local restrictions. We therefore thought it would be useful to provide a “Walking post COVID-19 – Update” to you all.

As an organisation providing walks for fitness, rather than purely social walks, we are able to continue with our walks. This is providing we carry out risk assessments, which we do as a matter of course. We have updated these to cover COVID-19 too,
We have decided to keep our numbers limited to allow us to socially distance whilst outside.
From 18th September, once you have booked onto a walk, you will be sent a PARQ form to complete. You should have completed one when you first attended a walk/training session. This form identifies any health issues you may have. We ask you to recomplete them as we know that health conditions change. Please be confident that these are kept securely and not seen by anyone other than Martin or I.
Unable to attend?
If you, however, do not feel comfortable attending a walk due to the restrictions please contact us and we will cancel your place and provide a credit on your account or alternatively provide you with a refund (via your Bank account). If you develop COVID symptoms please contact us as soon as possible to ensure the safety of our walkers.
Post walk
We are, however, unable to socialise together after our walk as per the Government’s guidance “you should not socialise with people you do not live with, unless they’re in your support bubble, in any public venue. This applies to inside and outside of the affected areas. Examples of public venues include pubs, restaurants, cafes, shops, places of worship, community centres, leisure and entertainment venues, or visitor attractions.”
We have anti-bacterial gel available to everyone and all of our poles and the gloves attached to the poles have been cleaned, for those of you who borrow them.
We do hope you will be able to continue to join us on one of our future walks.
Julie x
Strolls with Poles – Nordic Walking for Fun and Fitness