We met at Wooler Common Car Park for the walk up one of our favourites, Humbleton Hill. It was looking a little overcast and a little chilly, but we were hopeful. The warm up helped, as did the first little climb up through the woods to St Cuthbert’s Way.

The route followed St Cuthbert’s Way west for a short distance before turning, through a gate and onto a lane. This lane took us down to the foot of Humbleton Hill and the start of the climb up the hill. By this point, and contrary to the forecast, the sun was coming out and layers were being shed. Hooray!

The path from here winds up and around the western side of the hill. The summit looks closer than it is and it is just a case of plodding on upward. Plenty of admiring the view on the way up.

It wasn’t long before we reached the top and were greeted with panoramic views all round. Being quite close to Wooler and not too difficult, this hill is a favourite for visitors. However, this time we were very lucky to have the summit to ourselves. We could see the nearby hills like The Cheviot, Hedgehope and Yeavering Bell, as well as the distant villages of Fenton and Doddington (famous locally for ice cream). We could even see the area around Ford Moss to the North and Blawearie to the East. The sea would have been visible on a clearer day but the haze obscured it.

The descent was back the way we came, for a short way and then turning South towards St Cuthbert’s Way again. This made for a relatively easy route back after the hard work had been already done.
For the tea shop we agreed that a trip out to the Rocking Horse Cafe, North of Alnwick, would be good. Besides, Martin had to drop off a batch of chocolate brownies there anyway. The lovely weather continued and we were even able to sit outside to enjoy our well earned refreshments.
Another great walk, with the bonus of unexpected sunshine. Thanks to everyone for coming and hope to see you soon.
Julie and Martin x

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