Another visit to Wooler for a lovely days walk out to Yeavering Bell. We have become regulars in Wooler over the past month so the routine was familiar. Meet in Wooler Common car park and go from there.
The start
We completed our warm up and set off. The short but steep slope from the car park, and up to the moor gets your heart going. So, we had a breather before heading on the walk proper.

The start of the walk is the same as the Humbleton Hill walk that we did earlier in May. It’s no hardship to walk that bit again because it is very pleasant. There were plenty of new lambs around to enjoy watching too.
On the way to Yeavering
At the bottom of Humbleton Hill we took the right fork and tackled Harehope Hill. We only climb halfway up this one but it is a bit steep. So we had the obligatory stop to admire the view at the top of the climb. The next part was easy as we just contoured round Harehope Hill to Gleadscleugh. We were in wild goat country here and Martin had seen them up close on the recce for this walk. So, the walkers were keen to see them but none around yet.
The weather, which had started out a bit overcast, was coming good. This makes walking in the Cheviots even more pleasurable. The warmth meant everyone was layering down.
First sight of goats
At Gleadscleugh we started on the second hill of the day. Rather than taking the steep path over White Law, we took the road up the side of it and joined a quad track at the top. The group got a bit stretched here. However, to the disappointment of the backmarkers, those nearer the front got the first glimpse of wild goats across the valley.

The summit
This was the last stretch to the foot of Yeavering Bell. Only a small bog to encounter and the final ascent to the top and we were there. Lunchtime!
Carefully negotiating a boggy bit Enjoying lunch
Ruth complained the we hadn’t seen enough wild goats. Julie joked that it was because she hadn’t paid yet. Ruth promptly sorted this out and demanded more wild goats on the way back.
The return leg
Heading off the hill, we took the same path down but veered to the right at the bottom. This path took us to St Cuthbert’s Way. Just as we reached St Cuthbert’s way, Julie spotted goats close by. Ruth got her wish.
The route back is walked a lot and is very clear. However, we did go wrong a bit, trying to avoid wet feet in another boggy bit. We got through it and found our way back onto the path. On the way back, we were treated to the sound of a very loud cuckoo while passing a small copse. There seems to be a lot more of them around these days.
Arriving back to the car park, we did a cool down and agreed to meet in The Terrace Cafe in Wooler for refreshments. It was agreed that this was a great walk, so we’ll need to think about putting it on the programme again some time.
See you all again soon.
Julie and Martin x

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