We arrived at Chopwell Woods early with everyone looking forward to a good day of walking. When everyone arrived, we did the usual warm up before setting off.
The morning walk
The intention was to follow the red route (River Route), in the leaflet from The Forestry Commission, followed by the green route (Boundary Walk). The’re weren’t any red markers making it was difficult to follow however a great route was found and it was a lovely walk. The woodland and views were spectacular and we saw a few Red Kites at the Bird of Prey viewpoint. We came back to the car park for lunch. Whilst standing in the shelter we realised that the red route had been changed, according to the information board.

The afternoon walk
After lunch we set off following the green walk. The scenery is significantly different to the dense woodland on the southern part of the morning walk. This part is mainly to the North of the wood and higher up the hill. Parts of this section followed the old railway line through the wood. Further on we passed an information board and decided to investigate. We found some coal tubs in a small cutting. This was an old route used to transport coal, using a track-way, according to the information board. The day was getting on and people were tiring so we made our way back to the car park, where we cooled down and debated which tea shop to visit.

The tea shop
It was decide that we should go to one of our favourite tea rooms at the Thornley Woodland Centre. Off we went for the traditional tea/coffee, cakes and whatever else. It was excellent, as usual.
Well done everyone on a difficult walk you all did brilliantly.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Julie x

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