Old Bewick, Blawearie and Cateran Hole – 8th September 2019

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Us with Blawearie in the background

We came to Old Bewick, Blawearie and Cateran Hole earlier in the year. However, then we could barely see our hands in front of our faces. The weather on this trip was completely different and in a good way. Take a look at the gallery for evidence.

The start

One of the major changes to the walk from last time was to start at Old Bewick Farm. This provides much easier access to Bewick Moor and the places we were intending to visit.

We did our warm up and set off up the farm track onto the moor. Before long we were on the moor and enjoying the quietness and isolation up here. After a little way we left the farm track, to which we would return, and took a path by a fence. This gave us our first glimpse of Blawearie. This was just a teaser though, as we would not visit Blawearie until the end of the walk.

Bewick Hill

Our first stop was Bewick Hill. We went up to the first hillfort and to the WW2 pillbox. The views are spectacular up here on a clear day.

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WW2 pillbox on Bewick Hill

We decided to take advantage of the clear day and venture over to the second hillfort and to see the view from the other side of the hill and it was equally good, if not better.

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View from the West side of Bewick Hill

Harehope Farm

We took a roundabout way to Harehope Farm, using bridleways. Just before entering the farm we found a lovely spot for lunch. From here we could see the route over a mile into the distance.

After lunch, we set off through the farm and across a field. The cattle had done us a favour and stayed on the other side of the field. The next part of the walk crossed Eglingham Moor, before turning left along the track to Hagdon.

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Sheep at Hagdon

Near Hagdon we could see Cateran Hill. The track wasn’t so visible. It was clear until we reached the heather but then it was hidden under the heather for a while. We saw a couple of deer grazing in the distance. They soon got scent of us and ran off to the East.

Cateran Hole

We eventually found our way through the heather and onto Cateran Hill. There are panoramic views of the whole area up here and especially of the coast.

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Approaching Cateran Hill
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Panorama from Cateran Hill

Close by was our second objective, Cateran Hole. As we had brought some bright torches this time, we all went down there and right to the end, which is about 40m from the entrance.

After enjoying our caving experience, we set off for the last objective.


Eventually, we returned to Blawearie. This place is a bit special to one of our walkers, Edith. She remembers visiting here as a child when her grandmother lived in the farmstead at Blawearie. She told us about how it looked and how the now ruined buildings were a home. She even had pictures from those times.

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Edith telling us about Blawearie

Tea and cake

We did a cooldown and then decided that, as there was no café close by, to go to the Rocking Horse Cafe, in Rock Midstead. Andrew had kindly stayed open a little later, just for us.

Thank you all for coming along and we hope to see you again.

Julie and Martin x

If you liked the Old Bewick, Blawearie and Cateran Hole walk why not take a look at our other walks.

Gallery – Old Bewick, Blawearie and Cateran Hole

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